Upcoming Events for 2025
5 Star Rated Event
call at 631 374 - 6518 - Email - Shihan@lininja.com
You can only expect the best and most professionally run tournaments at N.Y. Tournaments. All events follow the same set up, same rules, same unbelievably safe and clean layout and matting system, professional judges with a clear distinct clarification of look, same quality grand champion trophies, medals for all competitors and now a distinction from the competitors for all 5-8 place winners. We realize that there are many tournaments every year and you can chose from any of those events but we are honored and proud you chose to compete in our events. We promise to always work toward growing the professionalism and quality for YOU - the competitor. We stand by our slogan - where everyone is a champion!. No matter whether you win first of 15th, you are still a winner for coming out and competing.
For info - 631 374-6518 or text