NYT - Header picture

Registration Information


For all your flyers, online registration and posters

look no further.  To Register for the Competition individually or for a

Complete Tournament Packet for your school - simply call

516 785-2725 or 631 374-6518

or email us at Karatekenpo1@aol.com




Sign Up Online in Three Easy Steps

All Forms needed to compete are below. We highly recommend signing up online for a quicker

 more smoother experience. Make sure to read the rules page to see what equipment you need to compete and what will prevent you from doing so.  


If you are a competitor in the NY Tournament Circuit you are a part of our NY Tournament League.  So for every tournament you compete in, you earn points to be an award recipient at the end of year banquet.  If you placed within the top 8 you are a top competitor, then you will be eligible for an beautiful Super Bowl Style custom NY Tournament Ring. If you won 1st place in every division, Self Defense, Forms, Weapons Forms and Sparring you are also a winner of our "Super Grand" Custom Award.

The way to check your standing and points is on the www.myuventex.com website. Go to the left side menu and click on Rankings Tab. You can then search for your name to find your standings. 

For more information or to receieve a tournament package contact

Sensei Mike Pinelli at 516 785-2725

Allie Alberigo - 631 374-6518

NY Tournament Footer Picture

For info - 631 374-6518 or text